Hey there! I'm Maribel
Ready to get smart with your money - irrelevant of your immigration status? Then you're in the right place.

I've got a lot to show you.
My name is Maribel, your Favorite Immigrant-Money CoachTM .
I teach immigrants (documented & undocumented) about:
Legally earning & saving money, and about investing in the stock market. My content is published in English and Spanish for maximum reach.
>> Work With Me <<Features
I do many interviews & speaking engagements each year throughout the nation - and sometimes the world.
I'll update this page regularly to include my features.

NextAdvisor with TIME: NextUp - Most Influential New Voices of Money
2022 October
NextUp recognizes the new faces of personal finances making waves in the industry. "At NextAdvisor, we know that the personal finance industry has for a long time elevated a small number of people from a small number of backgrounds. But now, thanks to social media, a new generation of voices is talking about money in a more relatable way—and bringing their communities along with them. These people are centering stories and backgrounds that traditionally have been underrepresented. The members of NextUp demonstrate that the face of financial expertise has changed—for the better. All honorees share a mission: to break down barriers to financial literacy and hold themselves up as examples, however imperfect, of how anyone can build generational wealth."

Plutus Foundation: Impact Series - Credit Movement
Creators are selected & recognized for their contributions in forwarding conversations around the featured monthly topic.

"How Latina Caregivers Can Build Retirement Security"
2024 September
Through my expertise in personal finance, particularly within the immigrant community, I shared practical strategies and culturally tailored advice to help Latina caregivers navigate the unique challenges of planning for retirement. I highlighted actionable steps that empower caregivers to take control of their financial futures, even in the face of systemic and personal obstacles.

"Cómo las cuidadoras latinas pueden crear seguridad para la jubilación"
2024 septiembre
A través de mi experiencia en finanzas personales, especialmente dentro de la comunidad inmigrante, compartí estrategias prácticas y consejos adaptados culturalmente para ayudar a las cuidadoras latinas a enfrentar los desafíos únicos de planificar para su jubilación. Destaqué pasos concretos que empoderan a las cuidadoras a tomar control de su futuro financiero, incluso frente a obstáculos sistémicos y personales.
Lee el artículo completo para explorar estos consejos y conocer cómo OurWealthMatters está impulsando el empoderamiento financiero en comunidades desatendidas.

MarketWatch (ENGLISH):
"U.S. Latinos will have $113 trillion in wealth by 2050 - but there's a generational divide in retirement planning"
2023 October
In this piece, I shared insights on the financial challenges and opportunities facing Latino families, emphasizing the importance of culturally relevant strategies for building intergenerational wealth. Through my work with OurWealthMatters, I aim to help Latino communities overcome barriers to retirement planning and empower them to take proactive steps toward a secure financial future.
Check out the full article to learn more about the crucial conversations shaping our community’s financial journey.

Univision (ESPAÑOL):
"Cómo una cuenta de ahorro ayudó a esta hispana a cumplir su meta de comprar casa"
2023 septiembre
En esta entrevista, compartí mi experiencia personal y profesional sobre cómo estrategias simples, como abrir una cuenta de ahorros, pueden transformar nuestras metas financieras en realidad. A través de OurWealthMatters, mi misión es inspirar a nuestra comunidad inmigrante y latina a tomar el control de sus finanzas y alcanzar sus sueños, como el de tener su propio hogar.
Mira el reportaje completo para conocer más sobre mi historia y cómo juntos podemos construir un futuro financiero más sólido.

"8 Latino Financial Influencers to Follow in 2023"
2023 September
I’m thrilled to be recognized in NerdWallet’s article, "8 Latino Financial Influencers to Follow in 2023." Being included among such impactful voices is an honor, and it reflects my commitment to empowering the Latino and immigrant communities through financial education. Through OurWealthMatters, I share culturally relevant financial strategies and create content that addresses the unique challenges our communities face, from budgeting to retirement planning.
Read the full article to discover how I, alongside other incredible influencers, am helping to inspire financial growth and stability in our communities.
Unicorn Millionaire (ENGLISH):
"Where can you invest with an ITIN?"
2022 December
In this blog post I inform on three major points undocumented immigrants can use & implement during their financial journey: (1) The contributions of ITIN holders to the USA financial system, (2) Why one should invest even if they have an ITIN, (3) Name three well known brokerage companies that accept ITINs.
No Cilantro Please (ESPAÑOL):
"Our Wealth Matters. A Financial Literacy Coach on a Mission to Empower Immigrant Women & Families"
2022 Octubre | Paginas 59 - 61
Hablo de los estigmas financieros que existen en torno al dinero. Y qué importante es que difundamos la información sobre el dinero de los inmigrantes; porque he conocido a personas que han estado en la industria de gestión de patrimonio durante más de 30 años y NUNCA habían oído hablar de un ITIN y cómo se pueden hacer inversiones con un ITIN en lugar de un SSN.
No Cilantro Please (ENGLISH):
"Our Wealth Matters. A Financial Literacy Coach on a Mission to Empower Immigrant Women & Families"
2022 October | Pages 12 -15
I talk about the financial stigmas that exist around money. And how critical it is that we spread the information around Immigrant Money; because I have met people who have been in the wealth management industry for 30+ years and they had NEVER heard of an ITIN and how investments can be made with an ITIN instead of a SSN.
"Follow These First-Gen Latina Creators Forging New Paths to Prosperity"
2022 September
Featured for my mission to empower the immigrant population in the U.S. with financial knowledge—particularly the knowledge of how even undocumented immigrants can invest, build credit, own businesses, and save for retirement.

NextAdvisor with TIME (ESPAÑOL):
"Dos Asesoras Financiera Latinas le Ayudan a la Comunidad Inmigrantee a Derribar las Barreras Económicas. Desean Que los Inmigrantes Sepan Estas Cosas"
2022 agosto
Discutí las barreras financieras que enfrentan los inmigrantes en los EE. UU. y brindé soluciones a dichas barreras.

NextAdvisor with TIME (ENGLISH):
"These Two Latina Money Coaches Are Helping the Immigrant Community Break Financial Barriers. This Is What They Want Immigrants to Know"
2022 August
I discussed the barriers immigrants face in the USA financially - and provided solutions to said barriers.

"Finance Now"
2022 August
Feature on finance department's intracompany website's landing page which linked to The New York Times article that showcased my money journey as a millennial.

The New York Times:
"Why Millennials are Facing More Economy Anxiety Than Ever"
2022 July
Story showcases my money journey as a Millennial, from my start as an income tax preparer, to founding OurWealthMatters and becoming your favorite Immigrant-Money CoachTM.
Speaking Engagements
2023 August
De Anza College - Higher Education For AB540 Students (HEFAS)
2023 June
NBCUniversal: Personal Finance Coffee Chats
2022 March - 2023 March
Topic: Personal Finance tailored to NBCUniversal employees. 401(K), HYSA, Taxes, among other topics.
Audience: IT & Business Professionals
California State University Fullerton - Titan Dreamers Resource Center
2023 February
Topic: 401K While Undocumented
Audience: 1st Generation Immigrant University Students
University of California, Riverside (UCR) - Undocumented Student Programs
2022 November
Topic: Filing Taxes as an Undocumented Immigrant
Audience: University Students
San Francisco State University - Dream Resource Center
2022 September
Topic: 401K While Undocumented
Audience: 1st Generation Immigrant University Students
California State University - Long Beach: Hispanic Student Business Association (HSBA)
2022 September
Topic: College, Career, & Personal Finance
Audience: 1st Generation University Students
2022 September
Topic: "How to Support Immigrants in Your Community & Help Them Integrate and Thrive in the US Financial System” as a personal finance coach and creator.
Audience: Personal Finance Content Creators and Money Coaches
UndocuProfessionals: 3rd Annual UndocuProfessionals Conference
2022 September
Topic: First 4 Steps to Investing While Undocumented
Audience: University Students & Adults - Immigrant Community & Allies
National Domestic Women's Alliance in partnership with Women's Way: Gender Wealth Institute "Financial Coach Training Program"
2022 July
Topic: Personal Finance & Investing with an ITIN
Audience: Women ITIN Solopreneurs: Nannies, Cleaners, Caregivers, Among Other Professions
UndocuProfessionals: Mentor & Mentee Program
2022 July
Topic: Creating Wealth for Undocumented Communities
Audience: University Students & Adults - Immigrant Community & Allies
University of California - Los Angeles (UCLA) Anderson Riordan Programs: College to Career
2022 June
Topic: College, Career, & Personal Finance Trajectory
Audience: 1st Generation University Students
NBCUniversal: Global Distribution Business Unit
2022 March
Topic: Personal Finance tailored to NBCUniversal employees
Audience: Business Professionals, Global Distribution Business Unit
Richard L. Graves Middle School
2022 January
Topic: Personal Finance Tailored to Middle School Students
Audience: 7th & 8th Grade Students; Majority 1st Generation Students.
2022 January
Topic: Personal Finance Tailored to the Immigrant Experience
Audience: Immigrant University Students & Adults
California State University - Dominguez Hills: Latino Student Business Association (LBSA)
2021 September
Topic: Personal Finance Tailored to 1st Generation and Immigrants
Audience: 1st Generation University Students
The American Dream in the Eyes of Immigrants
"Our Wealth Matters" with Maribel (Mexico) (Spanglish)
MoneyChisme - Personal Finance for the Latinx Community
Money Tips for Immigrants: How to start Investing with Our Wealth Matters
MoneyChisme - Personal Finance for the Latinx Community
How to Make Money Work For You, Tips for Immigrants Part 1
Me Lo Merezco with Andrea Tejeda - SPANISH
Conversaciones sobre el DINERO y los PASOS para tener RIQUEZA | Maribel @ourwealthmatters
Me Lo Merezco with Andrea Tejeda - ENGLIGH
How ANYONE can build WEALTH and the steps to do so | Maribel @ Ourwealthmatters
KOREM Podcast
S4:E4 | Maribel Francisco | First-Generation Immigrant building wealth | #personalfinance
The Immigrant Investor Show with ChinEdu
Can undocumented immigrants legally get job/401k in USA? YES | Maribel Francisco [Mexico] - TIIS 40
Green Cards To Greenbacks
How Undocumented Immigrants Can Invest & Start a Business: Maribel
Vanessa's Money Hour
Meet the Immigrant-Money Coach, Maribel Francisco
Originally aired on 92.9 FM on Germantown Community Radio in Northwest Philadelphia
Starve the Doubts with Jared Easley & Ms. Christine
The American Dream: Immigrants Building Wealth with Maribel Francisco
Mi Riqueza Podcast: Redefining The Way We View Wealth hosted by Lea Landaverde
The First Gen. Experience with Maribel Francisco | @OurWealthMatters
El Taco Financiero Podcast
Season 3 | Episode 27 | Educacion financiera para inmigrantes latinos, con Maribel Francisco
Yo Quiero Dinero Podcast by Jannese Torres
Episode 157: Investing For First-Gen Immigrants | Maribel Francisco | Our Wealth Matters
Insightful Babes Podcast
Maribel Founder of "Our Wealth Matters"
Immigrant Finance Podcast
86. Shifting to Build Wealth with Maribel of Our Wealth Matters
Mind Your Money Podcast with MissBeHelpful
Season 4: E8 | Immigrants Can Invest, Too! Latinx Heritage Series with Maribel of @OurWealthMatters
Live Interviews
Journey to a Million with Wealth Building Educator
Investing for Immigrants @OurWealthMatters
Brown Wealth Radio with The Brown Skinvestors
Episode 21 - Maribel Francisco
Cindy Flores
Lets Talk Money and Women - Personal Finance and Investing
Journey to a Million with Wealth Building Educator
How to Dominate the Stock Market- Money Coach Maribel
Immigrant Finance
Shifting Your Mindset to Build Wealth as an Immigrant
Other Media
Moneda Moves Newsletter & Instagram Shoutout: "These Two Latina Money Coaches Are Helping the Immigrant Community Break Financial Barriers. This Is What They Want Immigrants to Know"
August 2022
I discussed the barriers immigrants face in the USA financially - and provided solutions to said barriers.